May 3, 2024

Help Wanted: Cybersecurity

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.Morning Coffee logo

More than 209,000 US cybersecurity jobs are vacant, postings up 74 percent in five years, women are particularly absent in the field, these and more statistics, including where the cyber jobs are, from an analysis of Bureau of Labor statistics conducted by the Stanford University’s Journalism Program’s Peninsula Press, reported on SFGATE.

A psychiatric study finds no connection between the rising suicide rate among military personnel and overseas deployment t0 Iraq and Afghanistan, reports PilotOnline. However, the authors caution, combat exposure is not ruled out as a reason for the increases.

War-gamers are invited to another Navy MMOWGLI, this one on how to organize and share huge amounts of data, most not classified or mission-related, but not useful in present form, reports Here’s registration info on the Data Dilemma MMOWGLI (Massive Multiplayer Online Wargame Leveraging the Internet) to be staged April 6-17.

NASA’s asteroid hunt and capture mission just got a lot bigger and moved out to 2025, reports

Stars and Stripes reports from the journal of a Marine officer at Operation Iceberg, the code name for the Battle of Okinawa, commencing 70 years ago April 1. “I have never even imagined such a spectacle as I witnessed today,” wrote Lt. Col. William A. Kuretich. Also commemorating Okinawa, Baltimore Post-Examiner reprints stories of that biggest battle of the War in the Pacific.

The Pentagon set a 10-business-day target to determine if a component can be bought off the shelf or requires a rigorous cost analysis, part of DefSec Ash Carter’s and Pentagon officials’ efforts to reduce weapon costs, reports Reuters.

President Barack Obama’s executive order to target cyber attacks threatening the US allows use of sanctions tools now deployed against other national threats, reports Reuters.

FBI confirms one of its most wanted terrorists dead in a raid that also left 44 police commandos dead in the Philippines, reports International Business Times.

The USS John Finn, lead ship of the Navy’s restart program of guided missile destroyers, launched last week out of Newport News, VA, reports IHS Jane’s 360.

The US Coast Guard rescued nine crew members from the Canadian tall ship Liana’s Ransom, 58 miles east of Gloucester, MA, in 10-foot seas, reports

Iran, now, as well as Sudan, has been found responsible by a federal judge for the 2000 al-Qaida bombing of the destroyer Cole in Yemen and ordered to pay damages to the family of one of the 17 sailors killed. Federal judges have also ordered Sudan to pay damages to relatives of the attack’s victims, reports PilotOnLine.

Christian Monitor offers a citizen quiz to see if you could pass the Naturalization Exam required to become an American citizen. And also an Alternative Citizen Exam, to see if you’re really an American.

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