May 2, 2024

It Matters Who Your Builder Knows, Meet Jeff Errington

Posted by Jeff Errington
Errington Builders
Pax Leader

As with much in life, who you know matters.

In custom building that means everything from knowing who carries a selection of the style of sinks this customer wants and who can provide a large enough sampling of tile for that customer’s needs to knowing who makes the right heating, cooling and electronics systems for each custom house.

It takes time building up a who’s who like that.

I’ve been building houses in Southern Maryland for 30 years,  committed to creating homes for the families who are going to live in them and houses they will want to pass down for generations.  At Errington Builders, we specialize in the best. We make a practice of working with the best designers and most creative, cutting edge suppliers across the country.

One thing I have learned is that the best is not necessarily the most expensive. Another thing I have learned is that installing a top grade sink and a bottom grade sink should cost the same, but sometimes it costs more to deal with the cheaper ones.

Errington Builders Floor to Ceiling The most important thing I’ve learned is that the best product is when it’s top-notch and the right fit for the homeowner.

When the time comes to build, remodel or expand, I hope I become who you know in the custom building industry. Testimonials are on my website and I am happy to provide you with information about the designers and suppliers and subcontractors I utilize.

No matter who you select, do ask those you are considering who they know in the building industry and design fields. It matters who your builder knows.

I’ve been building houses in Southern Maryland for 30 years, committed to creating homes for the families who are going to live in them and houses they will want to pass down for generations.

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