February 16, 2025

NAWCAD Hosts King Event Jan. 14


Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not reflect opinions of the Leader’s owners or staff.Morning Coffee logo

Local resident Jan Nave Barnes will share her family’s unique history with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement, Jan 14, 2016, 10 am to noon at Center Stage Theater at Pax River, MD, reports The Tester. The event is hosted by the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Division to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For more information, call 301-995-4328.

Ten American sailors are in Iranian custody after two small US naval craft apparently entered Iranian territorial waters, but a quick resolution is expected, reports CNN.

A federal appeals court tossed out a veteran’s conviction for wearing unearned military medals, reports Military.com. The court called it a form of free speech.

A tougher tone on China from the Navy, CNO Adm. John Richardson talks about China’s development of weapons to counter the Navy, reports the Navy Times, and calls both China and Russia competitors.

Sanford scientists design a lithium-ion battery that lithium-ion battery doesn’t overheat. reports UPI, by shutting itself off when it gets too hot and power back on when it cools.

We Are The Mighty presents 15 awesome photos of military working dogs. And here they show some other animals working for the military.

Lockheed underbid General Dynamics last year, by $10,000, for a Navy contract potentially worth $49 million, reports BizJournals. But General Dynamics wrestled it back by showing the Navy’s arithmetic  didn’t represent the cost General Dynamics proposed.

North Korea fakes the footage of sub-launched missile test, reports Reuters.

FedSmith reports on what President Obama won’t say about Cybersecurity in the State of the Union Address. Staff Sgt. Spencer Stone — who thwarted a terrorist attack on a Paris-bound train, earning him a Purple Heart,  Airman’s Medal and a two-rank bump in promotion — was one of six veterans by First Lady Michelle Obama to attend President Obama’s State of the Union address, reports Military Times.

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