Where in the World Extra from The Art Park

Careful followers of the WitWit photo contest — that is Where in the World is That? contest for newbies — expect to see JefClarkArt in this spot every other Friday. But as the year winds down, The Art Park will be moving in as a sponsor and some of the rules will be changing as well.
Instead of the traditional photo and a call for competitors to identify Where in the World was that photo taken, the Art Park is hosting a video of the Debut Diner. Today is just to guess where it is; the drum roll to accompany its formal opening is due out in the next couple months.
In addition to hosting the contest, The Art Park will soon become the repository for submissions to WiTWiT? (Also known as WiT2 by headline writers and Twitter aficionados.)
For the uninitiated, the old rules to the Where In The World Is That? end Dec. 31, 2013. So if you didn’t know the old rules, forget it anyway. However the guesses are still accumulated in the comments section below. If you’re the first to correctly identify Where or What the photo depicts or, in this case, the video, you’ve won yourself a chance to submit a video or photo for posting on Where In The World Is That?
So here is Take One with both – till the end of the year – new and old rules in effect: Where in the World is That? Check out the video, then give your polite guess in the comments below. Good luck!