Del Toro: Innovate Faster to Solve Navy’s Problems
NavSec Carlos Del Toro unveiled the new Naval Science and Technology strategy last week. It’s a “call to service” for scientists and engineers from across the country to help the military solve its problems. The Naval S&T strategy aims to strengthen collaboration with industry, academia, and partners and allies, to cultivate research and accelerate delivery of technological innovation. “S&T is a means, and maritime dominance is the ends,” Del Toro said.
It’s Show Time for the Navy’s Elite Pilots
The US Navy’s Blue Angels in a flyover across the Navy-Marine Stadium in Annapolis, MD, in 2020. (DoD photo) Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not reflect opinions of the Leader’s owners or staff. The US Navy’s elite pilots are headed for the big screen again. “The Blue Angels,” a new documentary, will make its way to Amazon Prime and IMAX theaters, reports NBC News. The film follows the service’s flight demonstration squadron as it enters its 78th year….
Sea-Air-Space Expo to Feature NAVAIR Speakers
Naval Air Systems Command will be well-represented at the annual Sea-Air-Space Exposition at National Harbor in early April.