September 11, 2024

The Seven Project Aims to Bring Teens Hope

Posted by Jim Morton

Youth Alive, a student-led Christian ministry that tries to give students hope and a chance for young Christian men and women to meet and discuss everyday happenings, is sponsoring The Seven Project this Friday at Chopticon High School.

The Seven Project is a professional youth assembly that focuses on character education, followed by a voluntary religious service after school. During the school hours there will be four assemblies, one for each grade. Each assembly will consist of a multimedia presentation that provides solutions to important issues facing students today, including violence, peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, scholastic honesty, self esteem, suicide and racial tolerance.

The seventh solution is presented at an after school event kicked off with a huge fun-filled rally that hundreds of students will attend.

Chopticon High School hosted the seven project three years ago, and it was a huge success, largely due to the support of the business community.   The cost of hosting this project is significant. Youth Alive is asking local businesses to assist them with sponsoring this worthwhile event by making a monetary contribution.

If you have any questions or are interested in assisting CHS with this amazing outreach project, please contact Desiree Glass, Youth Alive Facilitator/Teacher, at [email protected] or at 301-481-8372.

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