February 14, 2025

Land Trust Seeks Volunteer Property Monitors

property monitors

The Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust is looking for new volunteer property monitors. A favorite activity for volunteers of PTLT is to hike and monitor the many beautiful easement properties.

Monitoring is only done once a year, in the winter months. Volunteers will be trained by an existing volunteer. Then volunteers are assigned a property. Volunteers take photographs while hiking the property, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and get a little exercise walking.

PTLT is dedicated to the preservation of Southern Maryland’s agricultural, forested, and open space land in the five tidal counties of the Patuxent River watershed — Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, and St. Mary’s counties.

Its mission is to sustain the region’s biodiversity and water resources through a network of protected landscapes; to advance the stewardship of forest and farm lands as vital local and regional economies; to preserve the region’s unique historic and scenic character for resident’s sense of place, visitor’s enjoyment, and prospective newcomer’s attraction; and to guide the pattern of future growth.

Learn more about the land trust here.

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