May 4, 2024

Hoyer: Paycheck Fairness Act Will Help Ensure Equal Pay for Equal Work

Equal Pay

April 2 was Equal Pay Day. On that day, the country recognizes the amount of time into the new year that women must work in order to earn, on average, what men earn the year prior for the same job.

“We also acknowledge that the gender pay gap is even worse for women of color and how this disparity in pay affects not only women, but families across the country,” said Congressman Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md., 5th). “With the Democratic-led House having passed the Paycheck Fairness Act last week, I hope that this year’s Equal Pay Day will be one of the last. Our legislation builds on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which I brought to the floor as majority leader in 2009 and which was the first signed into law by President Obama that year, by making it harder for employers to discriminate against women in pay and benefits. Democrats will continue doing everything in our power to close the wage gap, and I urge the Senate to take up and pass the Paycheck Fairness Act now, so that we can ensure equal pay for equal work.”

House Democrats brought legislation to the floor ahead of Equal Pay Day and during Women’ History Month to close the wage gap and help ensure equal pay for equal work.

“I’m proud that every House Democrat voted for HR 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act, sponsored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut,” Mr. Hoyer said. “With nearly 64 percent of mothers serving as the sole breadwinners for their families, this is not just a women’s issue – it is an issue that affects the majority of families throughout the country. I urge the Senate to take up and pass this bill without delay.”

Listen to Congressman Hoyer’s remarks here.

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For more information about House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer, visit his Leader Page.

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