BrainyEx Exercise, Health Program New at M.O.G.

The Medically Oriented Gym at Gateau Physical Therapy has launched a revolutionary exercise and brain health education program called BrainyEx.
BrainyEx is the first research-based program that utilizes key health and wellness strategies that creates a powerful, hopeful, and healthy solution to improving cognitive function. Strong evidence supports that properly dosed aerobic exercise results in an increase in a specific brain hormone which has the ability to improve our brain’s performance at any age.
This comprehensive body-brain health program is designed to help post-concussion syndrome, neuro-rehabilitation, post-chemo syndrome, post-operative brain fog, high functioning executives who want to stay on top of their game, Parkinson’s disease, veterans with PTSD, and individuals with a history of dementia.
This program runs for eight to 12 weeks.
BrainyEx provides individualized baseline measures of cognitive, aerobic function, and lifestyle choices with education in the areas of dietary choices and supplements, sleep and stress management, cognitive training, and brain challenges. A coach will equip participants with the resources needed to reach individual cognitive and fitness goals.
In this new age of technology and innovation, BrainyEx can help people keep up with the ever-increasing demand of a fast-paced workforce.
For further information about BrainyEx, find the Medically Oriented Gym on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram or call 301-866-5444. Visit the M.O.G. website here.
About Gateau Physical Therapy
Gateau Physical Therapy is at 23123 Camden Way in California.
Gateau Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine has been a leader in Southern Maryland’s physical therapy industry for more than 20 years. They apply their experience and specialized skills to bridge the gap between medicine and fitness with the Medically Oriented Gym. M.O.G. is specifically designed to empower its members and improve lives through fitness, wellness, guidance, and care. With an exceptionally qualified staff on hand, they help patients and members get fit and stay fit, while preventing injuries in a way that no other provider of wellness and fitness can. The gym is staffed by physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and exercise physiologists.
The Medically Oriented Gym is a partner with the St. Mary’s County Special Olympics athletes and the St. Mary’s County Paralympics Sports Club members.
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