May 6, 2024

Americans with Disabilities Act Turns 28

Americans with Disabilities

In late July, House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (Md.-5th) addressed Congress to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the signing of the bipartisan Americans with Disabilities Act into law.

His full remarks can be seen online.

Whip Hoyer told the Speaker of the House that 28 years ago, President George H.W. Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law. Whip Hoyer said he was proud to be a lead sponsor of that legislation, and to be on hand for the bill signing on that day, together with former Democratic Whip Tony Coehlo, Representatives Steve Bartlett and Jim Sensenbrenner, Sens. Ted Kennedy, Tom Harkin, Bob Dole, Orrin Hatch, and Lowell Weicker, and so many others. Whip Hoyer said he and his colleagues worked hard to shepherd that legislation to passage with strong, bipartisan support. By doing so, they were able to make vast changes in the awareness of all Americans that people with disabilities deserved equity in public places, offering them dignity.

“The ADA has reshaped the landscape of our country for millions of people living with disabilities, and, indeed, for many, many millions throughout the world,” he said. “It has done more than build ramps or widen doorways. It has changed perceptions and brought greater understanding not only to the abilities of those who were previously excluded, but also the challenges of living with a disability.”

Whip Hoyer said he was glad that all of Congress has been able to come together over the years to strengthen the law, with the same sense of bipartisanship that was experienced in its inception.

“As we celebrate, Mr. Speaker, this anniversary each year we rededicate ourselves to the project of protecting the civil rights of Americans with disabilities and expanding opportunity, equality, and access for all our people,” Whip Hoyer said.

Follow Congressman Hoyer on Facebook and Twitter.

For more information about House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer, visit his Leader Page.

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