May 4, 2024

MedStar St. Mary’s Welcomes Cancer Survivors to Picnic

picnic basket

picnic basketMark your calendar for the MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital’s Cancer Survivors’ Day Picnic taking place on Sunday, June 3 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. on the hospital grounds. Now in its 25th year, the picnic is a community event filled with joy, camaraderie, hope, compassion and love as cancer survivors and their families are honored for their strength and courage. The afternoon event will feature good Southern Maryland cooking, entertainment and inspirational speakers.

The National Cancer Survivors’ Day Foundation defines a survivor as anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life. Survivors not only include patients, but also their families, friends and co-workers. MedStar St. Mary’s encourages you and your friends to attend this free event.

For more information on the National Cancer Survivors’ Day Picnic call 301-475-6070.

Source: Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital

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