May 4, 2024

These Power Foods Can Lower Cancer Risk

Power Foods
Written By Jessica DeCostole, RD, LDN

There is not one magic food that can completely protect anyone against cancer, but research suggests that there are certain foods that can lower the risk of developing cancer. Also, evidence suggests that the synergy of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals in an overall diet offers the best cancer protection, according to the American Institute of Cancer Research. An article published by MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital in Leonardtown offers details.

It’s important to know that eating a well-rounded healthy diet, which includes the foods listed in the hospital’s article, on a daily basis offers the best protection. Another important factor in keeping cancer risk down is to decrease excess body fat. Too much adipose — or fat — tissue appears to increase the risk of 11 different cancers. The foods listed here can also help with weight management.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Our moms were right when they told us to eat our greens. The cruciferous food group includes two types of vegetables, green leafy varieties like kale, spinach, collard greens, and flower-type plants, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, rapini or broccoli rabe, cabbage, and turnips.

These vegetables have been well studied, and research shows that people with diets high in these vegetables have lower rates of colorectal and certain oral cancers. Compounds called glucosinolates are found in all cruciferous vegetables, and scientists believe they play a role in reducing the risk of cancer.

Prep Tip: Steam, stir-fry, microwave, or sauté these veggies to retain their important phytochemicals and vitamins. Boiling greens can cut content of the beneficial substances in half.


The tiny flaxseed is full of dietary fiber, omega-3s, and vitamin E. At least partly because of its high fiber content, the evidence is convincing that flaxseed can lower the risk of colorectal cancer. One theory is that the fiber may be used by healthy bacteria in the colon to produce substances that can protect colon cells.

Flaxseed also may help lower overall cancer risk because the fiber creates a satiating effect, which in turn may help with weight control. To be sure to get all the health benefits of flaxseed, don’t consume them whole. Instead, buy the whole seeds and grind them every week in a coffee or spice grinder to make sure you’re getting the freshest dose.

Prep Tip: Sprinkle ground flaxseed on salads or on cooked vegetables to give them a nutty flavor.


This bright red fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and dietary fiber, and is high in antioxidants. A single serving of cranberries provides at least 10 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber. Research has shown that cranberries can play a role in decreasing the risk of colorectal cancer as well as decreasing the risk of lip, tongue, mouth, and other aerodigestive cancers, which are cancers involving the respiratory and digestive tracts.

Part of what gives cranberries their cancer-fighting powers are flavonoids called anthocyanins, which give the tasty fruit its rich red color. Remember that cranberry juice and whole cranberries are not equal: cranberry juice contains little to no fiber and usually includes added sugar.

Prep Tip: Add one tablespoon of dried cranberries to cereal, oatmeal, or plain yogurt.


Garlic’s anti-cancer quality appears to come from its allyl sulfur compounds and phytochemicals. Most of the research related to garlic and cancers has focused on colorectal and stomach. However, emerging research suggests that garlic might also play a role in the prevention of other cancers. Its cancer-fighting traits are thought to work in multiple ways, like inhibiting enzymes that activate cancer-causing agents, boosting enzymes that detoxify carcinogens to slow growth of cancer cells, and limiting cancer’s ability to spread by decreasing a tumor’s ability to grow new blood vessels.

In animal studies, garlic compounds stimulate the breakdown of testosterone and slow development of prostate cancer. In some human studies, when researchers compared people who had consumed high amounts of garlic to those who consumed little, they noticed a reduction in risk of cancers of the esophagus, pancreas, breast, endometrium, and prostate.

Prep Tip: Allow crushed or chopped garlic to stand for about 10 minutes before you cook it. This allows time for the enzymes to produce the bioactive compound believed to hold the anti-cancer benefit.

Check out some delicious, healthy, and inventive recipes from the American Institute for Cancer Research.

For more information and one-click access to a full list of resources available at MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital, visit its Leader member page.

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