May 4, 2024

New Bills Aim to Spark Innovation, Break Barriers

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House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) is making improvements to his Make It In America initiatives, announcing new bills introduced in July. The new plan focuses on four areas of action: closing the skills gap, expanding innovation and entrepreneurship, breaking down barriers to manufacturing, and building a 21st century infrastructure. There were 82 bills and ideas announced this month, looking into how Congress can work on these action areas.

Whip Hoyer said he was proud to announce the new bills, which he said address the ideas he has heard as he hosted hearings on how to encourage entrepreneurs and keep companies in America.

“At a time when many Americans feel left behind from our recovery, House Democrats have a plan to help ensure that more of our businesses and workers can make it in America,” Congressman Hoyer said. “ I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance the Make It In America plan, and I thank them for putting forward these proposals.”

Hoyer Make It In AmericaMake It In America was first launched in 2010, aiming to encourage job creation in the private sector in the US. As the initiative came upon its five-year anniversary and boasted 17 bills signed into law, Congressman Hoyer hosted hearings with the intent of exploring how the economy has and hasn’t changed since the initiative was launched, and how people need to succeed in the current economy.

The “Make It In America: What’s Next?” hearings brought testimony from innovators, economists, members of Congress, entrepreneurs and more, sharing their thoughts on what should be updated to address the current challenges and opportunities. From those hearings, Whip Hoyer was able to identify the four action areas of the new Make It In America plan. To learn more about the new Make It In America plan, click here.

Follow Congressman Hoyer on Facebook and Twitter.

For more information about House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer, visit his Leader Page.

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