May 2, 2024

Ticks Like It Hot: Fight Back

 Posted for Medstar St. Mary’s Hospital

 Ticks are not deterred by hot weather. There is an increased chance of picking up ticks as the weather warms. Lyme disease, transmitted by infected ticks, is the most common tick-borne illness in the state and the nation, according to the Maryland Department of Mental Health and Hygiene.

How to prevent bites:

Wear light colored clothing. That makes it easier to spot ticks who have attached themselves to your clothing.

Ticks congregate where where woods or fields meet lawns. They are prevalent in wooded areas, tall brush, and  grass. Many can be found under leaves or near ground cover plants, around stone walls or woodpiles. In smaller numbers ticks are also found on cut or raked lawns or sports fields.

If you will be in an area likely to home a lot of ticks, wear long sleeved shirts tucked into pants and pants tucked into socks.

Use insect repellents.

Hike toward the middle of the path and stay away from bushy areas, high grass, and leaf litter.

 If bitten:

Remove an attached tick using tweezers. Grip the head of the tick and pull straight out.

Watch for the next 30 days for any signs of a gradually expanding rash that resembles a bull’s eye. This occurs sometimes, but not in all cases.

If no rash appears, be aware of fever, headache, and fatigue. If these symptoms appear for an unexplained reasons see your doctor. Tell your physician there is a chance that you may have Lyme.

Early detection and treatment, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, usually promote rapid and complete recovery.

Be aware, however, 10 to 20 percent of patients, mostly those without early treatment,  suffer from recurring symptoms. They are considered to have Post-Treatment Lyme Disease.

If you suspect Lyme disease, contact your primary care doctor. Contact our physician referral line at (301) 475-6088 to learn more about finding a physician with MedStar Medical Group if you do not already have a primary care doctor.

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