May 6, 2024

Don’t Let Miscommunication Cost You Business

please use other door

By Josh Frauenfelder
Barefoot Graphics
Choose Local

please use other door

Photo courtesy of Nolan Caudill

I recently went to a national chain restaurant known for their breakfast. I arrived quite early, as one does for breakfast, and walked from my car to the front doors. Two customers appeared to be leaving the restaurant. They said to me, “Doors are locked, they aren’t open!” I thought, “That’s odd. I can’t believe they aren’t open.” Turns out, the right door was locked! But the left door, however, could be opened. As for the two customers … they drove away before I could flag them down.

This particular restaurant lost two potential diners that day. Probably not a big deal to a large establishment; however, to small retail shops, businesses, churches, and organizations, I think mishaps and miscommunications like the above are more frequent and detrimental to a given mission than anyone knows.

The lesson I learned that day: Every potential client needs to be directed straight to the product they need, with nothing in their way. (I also learned it’s always good to have both doors unlocked.)

Barefoot Graphics has rolled out some new offerings aimed to help you attract and direct your potential clients right in the door. A-Frame signs (a.k.a Sandwich Boards) are attractive, portable, and come with features for updating your message to your clients. You can advertise QR Codes, your website, your hours, your specials, your upcoming events – anything that is new and relevant to the passerby. These A-frame signs are also great for use in parking lots and for safety purposes.

Please take a look at our unique products and their reasonable prices.

One Response to “Don’t Let Miscommunication Cost You Business”
  1. Joe says:

    I notice that folks do not read signs. My business has three signs designating open or closed and store hours. I can be in my shop and see folks still try the door when it is clear we are closed.

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