May 5, 2024

Try Walking Therapy for Artery Disease

Walking Therapy

MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital in Leonardtown is offering a Walking Therapy program, known as Supervised Exercise Therapy, for people who suffer from Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease, or PAD.

What is SET-PAD?

Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease involves the use of intermittent walking exercise, alternating periods of walking to the level of moderate-to-maximum pain, with rest between intervals. SET has become a recommended treatment for patients who suffer from intermittent claudication (IC), the most common symptom experienced by people with PAD.

Why Walking Therapy?

The Vascular Disease Foundation encourages participation in supervised walking programs for people who have PAD so they can begin to lessen their pain and reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke.

A regular walking program:

  • Improves the patient’s ability to walk
  • Helps lower the patient’s blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Helps with weight loss when implemented in conjunction with diet

What to Expect

The therapy includes up to 36 sessions, two to three times a week during a 12-week period.

Each session lasts 30 to 60 minutes. The program is supervision by qualified staff who can help ensure safety and progress. The program designed to help every patient find their correct pace and technique that is best suited for them.

The program includes monitored exercise in a safe setting, which is especially important for patients who have other conditions like diabetes or heart disease. Every patient receives regular progress reports for themselves and their health care providers.

SET for PAD may be covered by the patient’s insurance plan. Contact your insurance company for more information.

Call 240-434-7143 for more information about the program at MedStar St. Mary’s.

For more information and one-click access to a full list of resources available at MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital, visit its Leader member page.

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