“Lockdown,” a short drama by Douglas Craven, will be performed at the College of Southern Maryland’s Fine Arts Center on the La Plata Campus at 8730 Mitchell Road. The Cause Theatre performances will be offered Feb. 1-3, 2018.
Category Leader Features · Tags College of Southern Maryland, college-southern-maryland, Connections Literary Series, CSM, CSM Cause Theatre, CSM Main Stage, Ebie Prideaux, jazz ensemble, Latin performers, Nathan Daetwyler, performance series college-southern-maryland, Rebecca Tillman, Sarah Slack, Ward Virts Concert Series
Cast members have been announced for the College of Southern Maryland’s Main Stage Theatre production of “Pinocchio,” the classic tale of a wooden puppet who only wanted to be a real boy. The production is adapted from the original novel by Carlo Collodi.
Category Art & Lifestyle, Leader Features · Tags Andrew Roell, Ashton Gordon, Aurielle Mitchell, Chris Fleming, College of Southern Maryland, college-southern-maryland, CSM, Emily Farnham, Emily Roell, Emma Ansell, Georgia Hendricks, Gershawn Mason, Gervon Robinson, H.K. Hight, Jamie Slack, Katelyn Kovach, Kayla Watkins, Kehle Hatch, Ken LaClair, Maecy Richardson, Michael Mickey, Nathan Daetwyler, Olivia Gordon, performance series, Pinocchio, Rick Fulton, Rory Daetwyler, Sabrina Martin, Sarah Slack, Stephanie Patterson