In Six-Part Harmony
The Southern Maryland Sound of the College of Southern Maryland performs “The Longest Time” at the Patuxent River Naval Air Museum during the VPB-74 reunion. The group also performed Thursday night at a fundraiser of the Three Notch Theatre. Below, the group performs “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.”
Please be aware that the group that you are writing about (and have recorded singing) is NOT The group Southern Mix Chorus, which is a barbershop group based in La Plata, but IS the group named Southern Maryland Sound, based at the College of Southern Maryland in Leonardtown. Southern Maryland Sound is the group that performs in the red vests. They were performing for these World War II Veterans at the request of Ms. Janet Olsen, one of the veteran’s daughters. It would be good if you could make this correction so that there is no confusion (and no hurt feelings) between the two groups. Thank you very much.
Updated. Thanks for the correction.