Services Acquisition Reform Out this Month

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.
DoD’s chief of procurement, Frank Kendall, said acquisition reform would roll out this month for the Pentagon’s $155 billion annual services bill, reports Breaking Defense.
Senators from both parties want to ban on torture in the defense bill, reports The Hill. It’s the only agreement between the parties The Hill reported from a day spent deliberating the National Defense Authorization Act in the Senate. Republicans want a public-private cyber sharing amendment in the bill. Democrats failed in a 46-51 vote to prohibit using the $38 billion war fund to circumvent sequestration caps on the defense budgets unless caps are also lifted on the rest of the budget. This war fund maneuver will not win, Senate Democrats tell Republicans and urge them to break from the right in their party and end sequestration.
Female military vets commit suicide at a startling rate, six times the rate of other women and near the rate of male veterans, reports Pilot OnLine. Men in general are far more likely than women to commit suicide.
A carrier too few will force a two month gap in the year-long air assault against Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria, reports
DefSec Ash Carter announces a policy change that now bars discrimination in the military based on sexual orientation, broadening choices for pursuing discrimination cases based on sexual orientation, reports Reuters.