Plans Move Ahead at New Garvey Center

Though the St. Mary’s County Department of Aging & Human Services senior activity centers remain closed to the public, plans are moving forward on the new Garvey center in Leonardtown.
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the senior activity center and the new library was postponed in April, that does not mean the project has stopped.
Garvey Senior Activity Center staff moved into the new building April 20 and have been working on unpacking and organizing in preparation for use.
According to Alice Allen, the division of senior center operations manager, the new Garvey center boasts several upgrades including a fitness studio for group classes which provides more space for a wide range of new programs that will complement the variety of classes currently offered; four outdoor pickleball courts; an expanded exercise equipment room; an art room with natural lighting; and a state-of-the-art kitchen outfitted to produce meals on-site for the congregate meals and Home-Delivered Meals programs.
“Everything is going to be just awesome,” she said.
Department of Aging & Human Services Director Lori Jennings-Harris is looking forward to seeing the new senior activity center open to the public.
However, the timing of that will be contingent on the governor’s current order, closing all senior activity centers statewide, being rescinded. In the meantime, staff is working to ensure the Garvey Senior Activity Center is primed and ready for use.
Ms. Jennings-Harris looks forward to the opportunities for expanded programming that both the larger footprint of the senior activity center and the co-location with the new library will offer.
For more information about the Department of Aging & Human Services, call 301-475-4200, ext. 71050, or go to its website.