May 5, 2024

Navy Won’t Use V-22 for F-35 Refuel Platform

V-22 osprey

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.Morning Coffee logo

The Navy likes its V-22 Ospreys for carrier deliveries, but will not adopt the Marines plans to use the Osprey as a refueling platform for the F-35B as well, reports USNI.

Pentagon has $475 million for the next five years to contract for another 6,200 workers to fill its cyber division, reports The Hill by fiscal year 2018.

The National Science Foundation and National Security Agency teamed up and are running cyber-camps for students across the country. The programs vary, but the mission is to teach about  online threats, basic cyber-defense, and ethical handling of information they collect, reports ABC.

The US Navy was already escorting US-flagged vessels through the Strait of Hormuz, in the wake of Iran’s seizure of a cargo ship flagged to the Marshall Islands, they began escorting British commercial vessels through as well, reports International Business News.

Bullets seven times the speed of sound and laser beams firing at the speed of light are struggling to win the battle through Pentagon procurement. Congress wants to see Navy Sec. Ray Mabus set it right, reports The Hill, and includes details of when these weapons could be operable.

Defense News reports, it looks like Gen. Joseph Dunford, the commandant of the Marine Corps, will get the nod from President Obama to become the next Joint Chiefs chairman.

PilotOnLine reports, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, (D-NY), accuses the military of under-reporting sexual assaults occurring in the service and on and around military facilities.

A pay raise would be nice, or a one-time bonus, but even a bit of recognition could have kept some top-level federal employees in their positions, reports The Washington Post.

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