April 25, 2024

FDR, Tulagi, Rennell, Unite!

By Viki Volk

Taking lessons from prior mistakes, the draft 2011 Lexington Park development plan proposes new road connections.

The draft 2011 plan extends Rennell Avenue, Tulagi Place and even a segment of the parking lot behind the Bay District Volunter Fire Department  to  the segment of FDR Boulevard slated for imminent construction.


Some of the connections were initially proposed in 1995 in a plan that was ultimately adopted in 1999. But the roads have not yet materialized.

Crossroads are largely absent within the Chancellor’s Run Road, Great Mills Road and Route 235 triangle. This absence forces more traffic onto Route 235 and by separating communities from one another and presents obstacles to pedestrian and bicycle traffic, according to planning experts.

In addition to extending FDR Boulevard from Nicolet Park to Pegg Road the 2011 draft connects Route 235 south of the  Great Mills Road entrance to Naval Air Station Patuxent River.

Here the draft 2011 plan adds short road connections designed to turn the newly christened “downtown” area of Lexington Park into more accessible neighborhoods as well as opening the area up to additional residential, office and small retail use.


One Response to “FDR, Tulagi, Rennell, Unite!”
  1. Hans Welch says:

    Those small road extensions could make such a difference in traffic flow in the Lexington Park. Development District. A few inexpensive short extensions would make a world of difference. If the Lexington Park Development District Master Plan is supposed to be a 20 year look into the future; transportation issues should be one of the top priorities. We don’t want to end up like DC with their traffic issues.

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