CSM Students Conducting Pulse Survey

College of Southern Maryland student volunteers record responses during a previous Pulse of Southern Maryland survey.
Student volunteers at the College of Southern Maryland are calling residents this week for the latest Pulse of Southern Maryland public opinion telephone poll. The students are making phone calls from 6 to 9 pm until April 6, 2017.
Pulse of Southern Maryland is a survey unique to College of Southern Maryland that has been conducted each fall and spring semester since 2008. After speaking with thousands of Southern Maryland residents on a variety of issues and trends, the college has been able to provide the community with feedback on many subjects, like Internet access, military presence in the region, expectations for local elected officials, the minimum wage and confidence in law enforcement. The issues chosen for the survey are topical and important to residents of this region.
For the latest Pulse of Southern Maryland survey, the questions will focus on opioid abuse in the region and issues concerning the news media.
CSM’s student volunteers are making the phone calls this week from the college’s La Plata Campus. Some of the students help with the surveys for extra credit, or to gain experience in the complexities of opinion polls. Survey results are provided to local media for reporting in the Southern Maryland Newspapers.
The College of Southern Maryland has earned recognition from the National Council of Marketing and Public Relations, District I for the survey initiative. Any students who are interested in volunteering to conduct a Pulse of Southern Maryland poll can register at on the college’s website. For more information, contact Pat Schroeder, CSM survey coordinator, at [email protected].
To view results from the fall semester surveys, visit the college’s website here or here.
For more about the College of Southern Maryland, visit its Leader member page.