May 4, 2024

US & China Talk Military-to-Military

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those oMorning Coffee logof the Leader’s owners or staff.

US and China are taking steps to improve military-to-military relationship, reports, but tensions still showed, says Breaking Defense. Specifically, reports Defcon Hill, the Chinese Defense Minister warned against a “double standard” regarding cyber-accusations.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel expresses concern for Americans in Egypt but says only Egyptians can work out the conflict in their nation, reports Despite tensions US Carrier passes through the Suez Canal without incident, the Navy tells Defense News.

Northrup Grumman analyst says the Navy should have a separate officers corp for UAV pilots instead of using naval aviators, reports National Defense.

With Swiss headquarters and Swedish engineering a new UAS company enters the world market, reports Aviation Week.

Military prosecutors seek 60 years for Private Bradley Manning, convicted in July of releasing of classified information to WikiLeaks, reports CNN Security Clearance.

The Army is ordering 25 percent cuts by September 11 at the 2-star level and above, reports Defense News.

F-35 is too costly for South Korea, reports Defense News.

Airlines cutting federal government rates even further in fiscal 2014, reports Gov Exec.

Senate approves Vice Adm. Dennis McGinn (Ret.) to head the Navy’s energy operations, reports The Hill.



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