February 11, 2025

Phone Scam Targets SMECO Customers

Know What You Owe

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative is issuing a warning to its customers to beware of scammers targeting residents in the region. Some customer-members have received phone calls from scammers identifying themselves as SMECO employees and demanding prepaid debit cards in order to avoid having electric service cut off.

MetCom Warns of Phone Scam

Know What You Owe

The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission has learned that some of its customers have been targeted by a new phone scam.

SMECO Alerts Customers to Avoid Scams


SMECO warns customer-members not to provide personal financial or electric account information to unauthorized callers.

SMECO Warns Customers Getting More Scam Calls

Scammers are calling SMECO customers and threatening them with service cut off. See what to look for.