Small Business Relevance Topic of Program

Small Business Relevance to the Industrial Base will be the topic at a Patuxent Partnership event from 8 am to noon Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018, at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center at 44219 Airport Road in California, Md.
The event is being presented by TPP in partnership with the NAVAIR Office of Small Business Programs. It is a networking event that makes it possible for local businesses, elected officials, support organizations, and NAVAIR to discuss small business relevance to the industrial base and participation in the Technology Corridor.
Register here for the morning session. There is no fee to attend.
Mr. Geurts, assistant secretary of the US Navy for research, development, and acquisition, will be the guest speaker. Opening remarks and NAVAIR vision will be given by Garry R. Newton, SES, Deputy Commander. NAVAIR Shelby Butler, associate director for NAVAIR Office of Small Business Programs, will moderate a panel that includes several members of NAVAIR leadership.
8-8:15 am
Welcome and Introductions by Bonnie Green, Executive Director of The Patuxent Partnership; and Shelby Butler, Associate Director of NAVAIR, Office of Small Business Programs
8:15-8:35 am
Opening remarks and discussion of NAVAIR Vision by VADM G. Dean Peters, Commander of NAVAIR
8:35-10:05 am
Panel moderator is Shelby Butler; and the list panelists who have been invited or confirmed includes:
Sean Burke, SES, Deputy PEO (T)
RDML Brian Corey, PEO (U&W)
Capt. Craig Dorrans, PEO (JSF)
Gary Kurtz, SES, Assistant Commander, AIR 1.0 Program Management
BGen Gregory Masiello, PEO (A) (invited)
Garry R. Newton, SES, Deputy Commander, NAVAIR
William Pearce, AIR 6.7
10:05-10:45 am
Question-and-answer session moderated by Mr. Butler.
10:45-11 am
Coffee break
11 am-noon
Keynote Speaker: James “Hondo” Geurts, Assistant Secretary of the US Navy for Research, Development & Acquisition (ASN (RD&A))
Noon-1 pm
Lunch on your own
1-4 pm
NAVAIR OSBP match-making event including representatives from PMAs, AIR6.7, SBIT/STTR, large businesses, PTACs, banks, SMDCs, TEDCO, and NAVAIR OSBP site deputies
Register for matchmaking appointments here.
About The Patuxent Partnership
TPP fosters collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and expertise across a diverse network that includes government, industry, and academia. TPP also supports STEM education and workforce development within the local community including hosting programs of interest to NAVAIR, NAWCAD, and the broader DoD community.
To learn more about The Patuxent Partnership and its programs, visit its Leader member page.