JefClarkArt Discounts Unique Holiday Items
Posted by JefClarkArt Choose Local“We were so lucky to miss what we feared from Hurricane Sandy.”
Jeffrey Clark is a resident and photographer of St. George Island. Despite the punishing Tall Timbers and other communities up the Potomac River from the island. “St. George Island was spared the local brunt just as St. Mary’s was spared the horrible storm that hit so many people just to our north,” he said.
Nevertheless, he adds, “There was one small disruption caused by the storm.” That was the cancellation of Day Two of the Island Cottage Sale.
And that means JefClarkArt has an excellent and large inventory of note cards and postcards available for unique and inexpensive stocking stuffers, hostess and hosting gifts and as holiday gifts.
Jeffrey specializes in putting a new angle on a local scene. And many of the cards available are of the local scenes in Southern Maryland — Potomac River sunsets, the Piney Point Lighthouse, an historic 19th century schoolhouse near Leonardtown. But others are from as far away as South Africa.
They are sold in groups of three notecards with envelopes or four postcards. The sets are ready to go right now — for only $10 per set!”
A quick visit to, provides an overview of all of the images available. Card orders can be made via [email protected].