February 7, 2025

36 Graduate From Test Pilot School Class 158

36 Graduate
Retired VADM David Architzel delivers the keynote address at the graduation of US Naval Test Pilot School Class 158 on January 22, 2021, at NAS Patuxent River. (US Navy photo by Paul Lagasse)

Thirty-six students graduated from the US Naval Test Pilot School last month.

The students successfully completed an intense 11-month course of instruction at Naval Air Station Patuxent River for designation as engineering developmental test pilots, test flight officers, and test engineers.

Retired VADM David Architzel delivered the keynote address at the January 22, 2021, ceremony. VADM Architzel is a former commander of Naval Air Systems Command and a graduate of the test pilot school.

VADM Architzel, COL Richard Marigliano, commander of Naval Test Wing Atlantic, and LT COL Rory Feely, commanding officer of the school, presented diplomas and offered congratulations to the new “testers.” Graduates included members of the US Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force; students from Australia, Germany, Israel, and Norway; and civil service engineers from the Department of the Navy.

Marine Corps MAJ Kyle Kanode, recipient of the Syd Sherby Leadership Award for US Naval Test Pilot School Class 158, offers advice to his fellow graduates during a graduation ceremony January 22, 2021, at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. (US Navy photo by Paul Lagasse)

Navy LT Colin Locke received the Outstanding Developmental Phase II Award, which recognizes the student who produced the best final report. The award is symbolic of the longstanding and mutually supportive relationship between the Empire Test Pilots’ School in the United Kingdom and USNTPS.

Navy LT CMDR Javier Remotti received the Commander Willie McCool Outstanding Student Award, which recognizes the top performing student in the categories of academics, flight performance, and technical report writing. The namesake award commemorates US Navy Commander William C. McCool, a USNTPS alumnus tragically lost in the Columbia space shuttle accident.

Marine Corps MAJ Kyle Kanode received the Syd Sherby Leadership Award. Recognizing the student who displays exemplary leadership, the award is named after US Navy Capt. Sydney Sherby who established the test pilot training division in 1945, now the US Naval Test Pilot School.

Twenty-three students completed the requirements for the engineering test pilot course. The new test pilots are:

LT COL Rory Feely, commanding officer of the US Naval Test Pilot School offers remarks during the graduation ceremony for USNTPS Class 158 on January 22, 2021, at Naval Air Station Patuxent River. (US Navy photo by Paul Lagasse)

LT Zachary J. Bauer, US Navy

LT Kyle P. Burdick, US Navy

MAJ Brandon T. Dell, US Marine Corps

Chief Warrant Officer 4th Class Steven D. Fara, US Army

CAPT Quinton J. Fenley, US Army

MAJ Paul M. Gucwa, US Marine Corps

CAPT Jan-Harald Gustavsen, Royal Norwegian Air Force

Chief Warrant Officer 3rd Class Kyle Hickman, US Army

MAJ Aric H. Jensen, US Army

MAJ Kyle B. Kanode, US Marine Corps

LT James A. Land, US Navy

MAJ Stephan Ludwig, German Air Force

LT Michael A. Maynard, US Navy

Flight LT Matthew P. McCarty, Royal Australian Air Force

LT George J. Meszaros, US Navy

Lt. Robert M. Nordlund, U.S. Navy

Lt. Steven M. Smallwood, U.S. Navy

MAJ Neta-Lee Talmon, Israeli Air Force

LT Benjamin H. Title, US Navy

LT Tyler A. Trombetta, US Navy

LT Bryan C. Valliere, US Navy

LT Tyler P. Vitti, US Navy

LT CMDR Brian R. Warren, US Navy

Nine students completed the engineering test flight officer course. They are:

LT Kimberley L. Glaeser, US Navy

LT Jacob J. Leighton, US Navy

LT Colin T. Locke, US Navy

LT Cmdr. Javier F. Remotti, US Navy

LT Jacob W. Schalles, U.S. Navy

LT Richard N. Smith, US Navy

LT Joseph E. Swierzowski, US Navy

LT Brianna L. Valladares, US Navy

LT Nicholas S. Waugh, US Navy

Four students fulfilled the requirements for the test project engineer course. They are:

Kenneth M. Cahill, NAWCAD

Amber M. Cook, NAWCAD

CAPT Riley A. Livermore, US Air Force

Dr. Ryan Turgeon, NAWCAD

NAWCAD advances capability and operational readiness for naval aviation and our warfighters. The warfare center is where naval aviation takes flight through research, development, test, evaluation, and sustainment of both fielded and not-yet fielded naval platforms and technologies.

With sites in Patuxent River, MD; Lakehurst, NJ; and Orlando, FL, the command is the Navy’s largest warfare center with a diverse force of military, civilians, and contractors.

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