Maryland Offshore Wind Farm Leases to be Auctioned

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.
Leasing rights to build a large-scale wind farm off Maryland’s Atlantic coast will be auctioned late next year, reports the Baltimore Sun. Federal officials announced this week that wind energy development leases would be offered for 80,000 acres at least 10 nautical miles off Ocean City. Although environmental groups cheered the move, Rep. Andy Harris (R), who represents the Eastern Shore and northeastern Maryland, expressed concern that Maryland households would have to pay a $1.50 a month “wind energy tax” and that the project would increase the federal budget deficit by providing subsidies to offshore wind companies. Naval Air Station Patuxent River has been historically opposed to such wind farms, reported the Heartland Institute, and the Navy referenced a study performed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that determined large-scale wind energy projects could compromise radar systems at the base. The Maryland General Assembly passed a bill in 2012 that placed restrictions on wind turbines located within a 46-mile radius of NAS Pax River.
A “technical error” in the bipartisan budget agreement that cuts military retirees benefits will be fixed said Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray (D-Wash.), reported The Hill. Senator Murray added, “A provision in this deal which mistakenly impacted retirement benefits for disabled veterans … will be fixed in short order. This technical error can, will and should be addressed.”
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) 2014 rates will increase by an average of 5 percent. Depending on location and service, members will see an average additional $80 a month, according to the Navy Times. However, the BAH will be under pressure as early as 2015 as the Pentagon searches for avenues to cut spending.
Reforms to the US intelligence system in the wake of Edward Snowden’s classified data disclosures are being considered, reports DefenseNews. President Barack Obama’s intelligence review group could make its report public as soon as this week. Sources who have seen the report said one recommendation would separate the command duties for US Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) and the National Security Agency (NSA), which are currently both under the command of Army General Keith Alexander. The administration, in accordance with their stated position that any intelligence reforms would damage the country, immediately rejected the command split recommendation.
Survey results announced Wednesday by the Partnership for Public Service and Deloitte reported job satisfaction among federal government workers dropped to an all-time low in 2013, according to Politico. The report found Department of Homeland Security the worst large federal agency to work for, NASA the best.
Eighteen active duty service members stationed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba requested advocacy help to relocate two Nativity scenes from on-base galleys to the chapel, according to the Navy Times. The request to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation stated, “Our local military family encompasses many faiths and beliefs to include Muslim, Jewish, Wiccan, Buddhist, Agnostic, and other denominations. By placing these displays in prominent common areas, the impression is that one faith is better than others, and that the military institution singularly promotes Christianity.”
I love the lexleader, but please, stop linking to Bonner Cohen. He’s a tobacco industry apologist, who now is funded by the fossil fuel industry and combats the idea of climate change.