Bus Shelters Coming in April

By Jay Friess
The St. Mary’s Transit System will be erecting five new bus shelters at stops across St. Mary’s County next month, according to a presentation given by county staff at the quarterly Transportation Advisory Committee meeting Thursday.
The shelters will be located at Ridge Market; the Leonardtown Park and Ride; between the Food Lion and True Value shopping centers in Charlotte Hall; and Lexwood Drive and Liberty Street in Lexington Park.
County staff have also investigated the use of electronic fare boxes and discovered that they would cost more than $12,000 apiece as well as $85,000 for support equipment and at least $8,000 for card stock. Charles County installed the technology on its VanGo system using federal stimulus money.
St. Mary’s County transportation officials have also hired a contractor to begin work on a Transit Development Plan to guide growth of the system for the next five years. A representative of contractor KFH said she would be referencing the Lexington Park Master Plan for guidance.