What Would a Bigger Navy Fleet Look Like?

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the Internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not reflect opinions of the Leader’s owners or staff.
Everbody wants a bigger fleet. Nobody has a count of how many submarines, aircraft carriers, big-deck amphibious ships, destroyers, or of anything else that will be needed to get there, reports Defense News.
Pentagon acquisition reforms of 2010 successfully reined in major weapons’ costs, according to findings from congressional auditors. But the savings are leveling off, Bloomberg reports. The assessment found progress begun in 2010 to reduce cost growth “has now flattened out.”
Politico reports, President Donald Trump quietly expanded his administration’s war-making powers, giving DoD greater autonomy to conduct military operations independent of the White House.
Sailors may soon be swiping their phones to find their next duty assignment or even re-enlist as the Navy moves toward converting its massive bureaucratic paperwork into a cloud-based portal with easy-to-use apps, reports Navy Times.
The next-gen underwater drones are going to be bigger, reports the Defense News, more than 25 feet long, 48 inches in diameter, and able to travel autonomously for hundreds of miles.
The Trump administration’s review of American nuclear policy will re-examine, the former administration’s pursuit of a nuclear-free world, reports Defense One.
VADM Paul Grosklags, commander of Naval Air Systems, wants future planes and ships developed, built, and tested first in the virtual world, reports Defense Tech, so once a system is handed over to the forces “it has been fully tested. They should be able to train with it within 100 percent of its capability,” he told an audience at the Navy League’s 2017 Sea-Air-Space Exposition.
White House officials offered conservative House Republicans a health care proposal to allow states to waive coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act, reports The New York Times.
Elon Musk hopes to re-fly a half-dozen Falcon 9 first-stage rockets this year and twice as many in 2018, as his SpaceX launch-services seeks to cut the cost of space launch by a factor of 100 and perhaps much more, reports Aviation Week.