Southern Maryland Vacations for Vets Hosts Fundraiser

Posted by Greenwell Foundation
Community Builder

Photo by Ingrid Taylar
Southern Maryland Vacations for Vets is a non-profit organization that offers wounded service members a break from daily hospital visits and treatment centers. To-date they have hosted 19 events, sponsoring 130 veterans and their families, from military hospitals and treatment centers in MD, DC and VA.
Vacations for Vets is now accepting gifts from community members to fund their events for the upcoming year. Monetary donations will be used to cover the expenses of the weekend retreats.
Retreats are held at Greenwell State Park, which offers acres of fun. The lodge at Greenwell is handicapped accessible and designed with 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. All bedrooms have 2 or 3 twin beds each. The lodge also offers a 24 seat capacity dining room and living room.
During these retreats veterans and their families are provided with food, transportation, lodging and entertainment during the weekend retreat. Activities such as kayaking, pier fishing, leisure boat rides and more are also offered free of charge.
On April 20, Vacation for Vets will be hosting a “Buy Local” Poker Run to raise additional funds. Participants will pay a fee and be entered in drawings for door prizes. Those who donate before the March 1st deadline will have their name printed on t-shirts or signs at the event, depending on their donation amount.
Donations of $500 or more will receive the contributors name/logo on event t-shirts, as well as signage and any print advertising. (email .pdf file with logo to [email protected])
Donations of $250 or more will receive the contributors name/logo on event signage and print advertising.
Donations of any size are appreciated and all contributors will appear on the signs displayed at the Poker Run. Door prizes are also accepted but must be able to be transported on a motorcycle.
If you would like to donate food/catering or items needed for the event or provide volunteers, or for more information regarding this event or organization please contact [email protected], or call 301-904-0707. (Federal Tax ID # for this organization is 27-0454603)
Donations can be sent to: Vacations For Vets, 22673 Pops Way, California MD, 20619
Please include your Company Name, address, point of contact and phone number.