February 15, 2025

So.Md. Homeless Count Jan. 29

Posted for Three Oaks Homeless Center
Community BuilderPIT 2014

Across the nation, agencies combating homelessness take a day in late January to conduct the federal government’s Point in Time count.

In Southern Maryland, Three Oaks Homeless Center will conduct its PIT survey Jan. 29, 2014, from noon until midnight.

Three Oaks’ executive director Lanny Lancaster and his colleagues are making the rounds of community and civic organizations asking both for help with the count itself and also for information on anyone “un-sheltered” on this date.

Emphasized this year is the steadily increasing number of veterans adding to national homeless numbers and local numbers as well.

Three Oaks was selected last year by the Veteran’s Administration to receive a grant to target and serve veterans and their families facing homelessness and the myriad of associated obstacles. Funding for these VA efforts was specifically re-appropriated in the FY14 and FY15 defense spending bills.

Volunteers are needed in all Southern Maryland counties to conduct surveys, provide support and distribute incentives to participants. The goal is that on a single day the communities will count the number of homeless, sheltered and unsheltered adults, children, youth, and veterans.

To help in Calvert call (410) 535-5400 x316, [email protected]; in Charles call 1 (866) 293-0623, [email protected]; in St. Mary’s call (301) 863-7361, [email protected].

To read more stories about homelessness among veterans and in our community visit the Three Oaks Center‘s Leader profile page.



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