Share Your Healthy Holiday Recipe, Win $50 in Free Food

Posted by MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital
Cooking healthier doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your favorite indulgent holiday recipes. In fact, with a few simple cooking tricks and smart ingredient substitutions, you can transform many dishes from tastes-great to tastes-great-and-good-for-you!
Let your new, creative recipe makeover skills shine and you could win The Fit & Healthy St. Mary’s Coalition Holiday Recipe Re-do contest. The coalition invites everyone to try their hand at trimming down their favorite holiday recipe.
- Select your favorite holiday recipe; make changes that create a healthier version of the original recipe. You must submit both the original recipe and the new version for review.
- While your version of the recipe should resemble the original in taste and look, it needs to contain less fat and fewer calories per serving and be made from wholesome ingredients.
- Let your creativity reign! Feel free to incorporate new ingredients (such as different veggies, meats or dairy products), eliminate ingredients and zip it up with fresh spices or seasoning.
- Submit recipes to [email protected] and put Recipe Contest as the subject. Or, you can mail your entry to: Recipe Contest, Attn: Jaclyn Shaw, Health Connections, MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital, Box 527, 25500 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Be sure that your name and your contact information (phone numbers, email, etc.)are included with your entry.
- Contest ends Dec. 15, 2012
“This contest fits in perfectly with our community focus on wellness” said Jaclyn Shaw, Health Connections operations specialist and contest coordinator for the coalition. “It demonstrates how just a few simple changes can make a smart difference with no loss in taste.”
The Fit & Healthy St. Mary’s Coalition will announce the winner in mid-December. The winner will receive a $50 Gift Certificate to Good Earth Natural Foods and a Fit & Healthy gift basket.
For more information go to or call Jaclyn at 301-475-6019.