Save the Date: PEO(U&W) Industry Event 2025

Program Executive Office for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons’ Industry Event 2025 will take place March 11 and 12, 2025. Day 1 will be held at the SECRET level, and Day 2 will be Unclassified. Both will be in-person only in Southern Maryland on or near the Naval Air Station Patuxent River.
Registration is required to attend. Click here. Registration for attendance for either day will be based on a first-come, first-served basis.
DAY ONE – Tuesday, March 11 – Government Briefs to Industry (SECRET clearance required)
Day 1 will consist of SECRET-level briefings and panel discussions/Q&A from government representatives and one Secret//NOFORN Threat Brief. This opportunity is open to military, government, and industry US Citizens with a final SECRET clearance. Only contractors or sub-contractors performing a current DoD or Federal Intelligence Community contract with a valid DD254 will be allowed to attend.
A current DD254 authorizing access to national intelligence information with blocks “10.e(1)” and/or “10.e(2)” marked along with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Information “10.g” and Foreign Government Information “10.h” will be required to attend the Threat Brief at the classification level of SECRET//NOFORN.
DAY TWO – Wednesday, March 12 – PEO(U&W) Networking with Industry (No clearance required)
Day 2 will consist of UNCLASSIFIED, in-person meetings between industry and representatives from various PEO(U&W) entities and is open to the public who have registered in advance for these meetings. Meetings will be in the “speed networking” format, will be a maximum of 10 minutes long and must be requested in advance via this registration site. Attendees interested in registering for these meetings will be asked during the registration process to choose their top five choices, in priority order, from 16 available PEO(U&W) entities.
Registration for Day 1 will close when full but no later than 3pm (ET) March 3 in order to finalize all security clearance verifications. Due to space limitations, please limit attendance for Day 1 to no more than two representatives per company for each small business and no more than two representatives per division for large businesses with a maximum of five attendees total for each large business.
Registration for Day 2 will close when full but no later than 3pm (ET) February 21 in order to finalize the schedule of meetings and to notify potential attendees of their selection or non-selection for these meetings.
General questions regarding the registration process for the overall PEO(U&W) Industry Event 2025 should be directed to “Event Coordinator” at [email protected]. Please put the words “Industry Event 2025” in the subject line plus any amplifying information regarding the question.
About The Patuxent Partnership
The Patuxent Partnership is a nonprofit member organization that fosters collaboration between government, industry, and academia to advance education through STEM-based initiatives; to advance technology through speaker programs, forums, and networking; to advance science and technology transfer through the exchange of ideas, information, and data related to technologies; and to increase workforce development through an array of initiatives.
SoMD 2030 is focused on building a STEM pipeline, increasing career opportunities. This collaborative effort is funded by the Naval Air Warfare Center Aviation Division. The Patuxent Partnership is accomplishing the work under an agreement with NAWCAD, working with St. Mary’s College of Maryland, College of Southern Maryland, area public school systems, as well as other schools, industry, and NAWCAD. SoMD 2030 connects talented students with paid apprenticeships and internships.
To learn more about The Patuxent Partnership and its programs, visit its Leader member page.