Feed St. Mary’s to Host Prayer Service
Make plans to join Feed St. Mary’s and its community partners as the group’s volunteers celebrate a very special time of year.
Feed St. Mary’s and local religious leaders are hosting a Community Thanksgiving Prayer Service at the Feed St. Mary’s food bank warehouse at 46401 Signature Lane in Lexington Park at 4 pm Sunday, November 21.
While the Thanksgiving season has become known for food, family, and football, it is also an opportune time for communities to give thanks for blessings received throughout the year.
“Our community is grateful to have caring people who are willing to reach out and address food insecurity in the county. Additionally, we have people who have been blessed by the efforts of food pantries, churches, soup kitchens, and other agencies that are available during times of need. It truly is an important time of year to give thanks for all that has been done and all that has been received,” reads the organization’s October 2021 newsletter.
All contributions go directly to Feed St. Mary’s as it continues to provide more nutritious food for the months and years to come.