February 7, 2025

Drive By Meter Reading?

water meter

Currently The St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) is in the planning and design phase of an Automated Meter Reading (AMR) Project. When completed nearly every MetCom water customer will be served by a radio-read water meter with drive-by meter reading technology.

The radio-read meters will allow monthly meter readings and invoicing for actual water usage, enabling our customers to track the financial benefits of water conservation. In addition, the automated reading device will instantly convey a message to the operator of any meter malfunction or if a leak is suspected to ensure timely investigation and repair. The information obtained from monthly meter readings will also assist MetCom in more easily detecting water system leaks. A data comparison of actual water volume consumed, to total water pumped, from any given water system will indicate the presence of system leaks, which otherwise would go undetected.

This heightened awareness of our water consumption will help increase efforts to minimize water usage and reduce wastewater treated and discharged into the Chesapeake Bay.  As such, the AMR Project is regarded as an environmentally “green” initiative, which will not only benefit our customers individually, but will also benefit the environment as a whole.

The AMR project is estimated to cost approximately $9,934,000.00, which includes the costs of planning, design, and construction associated with the installation of approximately 12,875 radio-read meters, the acquisition of meter reading equipment and the implementation of necessary computer interfaces.  The project will be funded with a grant and a low-interest loan from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The cost to service this debt is included in the Water System Improvement Charges and is shared equally among all MetCom customers paying this charge.

The work will be performed by a private contractor to be selected after a competitive bidding process.  It is currently projected that the AMR construction contract will be awarded by the summer of 2012. Project construction is scheduled to take approximately one and a half (1½) years to complete.  All work will be managed and inspected by MetCom.

Efficient water metering and meter reading capability is critical to the operation of a successful public water utility to allow for timely and precise usage measurements, effective water conservation and equitable cost distribution among all water customers. The importance of the new water meter project is clear; our water customers will benefit financially and the demand on this natural resource will be reduced.

MetCom will hold a series of public information meetings prior to work starting for the project.  For more information about this project, or if you have any questions or concerns, please contact MetCom’s Engineering Department at (301) 373-4733 ext. 319.

Source: St. Mary’s County Metropolitan Commission

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