February 9, 2025

Volunteers Sought for Robotics Events

Robotics Events

VEX Robotics teams from all over the region are preparing for upcoming competitions, and volunteers are needed to help the competitions run smoothly. The Patuxent Partnership is helping the teams and sponsors search for volunteers for the robotics events.

To sign up for any of the events, go to the College of Southern Maryland sign-up website linked for each event and use the access code csmrobotics.

The next event coming up is the VEX High School League Championship on Feb. 3, 2018, at CSM’s La Plata Campus in Buildings PE and BI. Volunteers are needed from 6:30 am to 5 pm, as well as set-up the day before.

The VEX U College Regional Qualifier is set for Feb. 9, 2018, at the CSM La Plata Campus, and the Middle School League Championship is Feb. 10, 2018.

The last need for volunteers of the season is April 7, 2018, for the CSM LEGO Robotics Championship.

Volunteers help with judging and managing the matches, ensuring game rules are followed, keeping score and registering teams, among other jobs. Volunteers help to register teams and provide information to the team members or general public as audiences and fans gather at the competitions.

Those who volunteer as judges will interview teams and evaluate them on and off the field, then work with other judges to determine the winners of different awards. Robot inspectors ensure compliance with game rules and field attendants help to reset the field after each match. There are also set-up jobs, first aid staff, and volunteers to help with crowd control.

College of Southern Maryland supports VEX Competitions throughout the region.

About The Patuxent Partnership

TPP fosters collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and expertise across a diverse network that includes government, industry, and academia. TPP also supports STEM education and workforce development within the local community including hosting programs of interest to NAVAIR, NAWCAD, and the broader DoD community.

To learn more about The Patuxent Partnerships and its programs, visit its Leader member page.

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