Twilight Performances to Include Chautaqua, Sam Grow & More

Beginning July 9th, the College of Southern Maryland will be hosting a variety of family-friendly events including one-act plays, historical and musical performances at each of their three campuses.
Chautaqua opens the series with educational performances at the La Plata campus. The musical one-act productions “Honk!”, “The Fisherman and His Wife,” “Sure Thing” and “The Actor’s Nightmare” will also be featured during the series.
Sam Grow Band, Jackson Murphy Band and local Latin ensemble, Ritmo Caché, will also be putting on free, family-friendly performances during the Twilight Performance Series.
The annual Chautauqua program includes interactive, family-friendly presentations and is an educational program of the Maryland Humanities Council, presented in partnership with CSM. This year’s theme is “Turning Points in History,” and will feature Chautauquan actors who will portray the historical figures of Rachel Carson, the mother of the environmental movement; Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean; and Jack Roosevelt “Jackie” Robinson, the first African American player in Major League baseball.
For more information on events, dates and locations visit the CSM arts website, or call 301-934-7703 or 301-870-2309, 240-725-5499, or 443-550-6169, Ext. 7703.