TPP Hosts Talk on Acquisition, Estimating

Dr. Daniel A. Nussbaum will discuss “How to Improve the Acquisition and Cost Estimating Process” from 7:30 to 9:30 am June 16 at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center. Dr. Nussbaum is a visiting professor at Naval Postgraduate School.
Dr. Nussbaum teaches courses in Cost Estimating and Analysis, mentors students throughout their graduate coursework, including their Masters’ theses, provides Cost Estimating and Business Case Analyses for Department of Defense organizations such as Department of Navy, Department of Air Force, Department of Army, and the Office of Secretary of Defense. He designs, develops and delivers distance learning courses in Cost Estimating and Analysis, especially the world’s only all-distance-learning Masters in Cost Estimating and Analysis.
Prior to this position, Dr. Nussbaum was a Principal, Booz Allen Hamilton, and responsible for a broad range of cost, financial and economic analyses, for clients across the government and commercial spectrum.
He has also been the Director, Naval Center for Cost Analysis, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller), Washington, DC. In that role, he was the chief adviser to the Secretary of Navy on all aspects of cost and schedule estimating and control and single Navy point of contact for guiding, directing and strengthening cost estimating and analysis throughout the Department of Navy. He directed all Navy Independent Cost Estimates as required by Congress and senior Defense leadership on ships, aircraft, missiles, electronics, and automated information systems. Also, he directed special, high visibility, cost and economic analyses for Secretary of Navy, Chief of Naval Operations and Commandant of Marine Corps.
Advance registration is requested to manage seating.