February 16, 2025

SMECO Awards College Scholarships

Posted for SMECO

SMECO jabrena milburn - scholarship winner 2014

Jabrena Milburn, a SMECO 2014 scholarship winner from Lexington Park, Maryland.

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO) has awarded four scholarships to high school seniors for 2014. Each year, SMECO awards four $1,500 college scholarships to students who live in the Co-op’s service area. Scholarships are based on the applicants’ scholastic achievement, financial need, and school and community involvement. SMECO has awarded scholarships to 88 students over the past 21 years. Each of the following students will receive a $1,500 college scholarship.

Jabrena Milburn, daughter of Charles and Marion Milburn of Lexington Park, MD, attends Chopticon High School. Milburn served as the historian for Best Buddies and secretary for the National Honor Society, and she participated in Dance Team and Future Business Leaders of America. Milburn plans to study Special Education at Delaware State University. According to Elizabeth Privette, Special Education teacher at Chopticon, “Jabrena’s actions have demonstrated that she has a compassionate heart and a talent for looking at an individual and being acceptant of their uniqueness. She is dependable and displays a strong work ethic. She went beyond her responsibility as a student aide in the classroom and extended her involvement with the SAIL (Supporting Academics and Independent Living) population into the general community of Chopticon High School. Jabrena is a giving, kind-hearted, responsible young woman.”

Rachel Potts, daughter of Jill Potts of Chaptico, is a senior at Chopticon High School. Potts has received many honors, including Academic Achievement awards, Principal’s Citizenship, Science Fair, Student of the Month, and field hockey athletic awards. She plans to study accounting at the College of Southern Maryland. Sandra Tolson, Counselor at Chopticon High School, says, “Within the community, Rachel has been honored to serve and give back to those less fortunate. She volunteered her time in support of a fund-raising event for Vacation for Vets, prepared materials for the Child Support Awareness campaign sponsored by Social Services, and participated in the Relay for Life Walk. Rachel speaks fondly of her desire to make a difference in the lives of others. I have worked with many students throughout my career and I can truly say that Rachel is exceptional.”

Josiah Manning, son of David and Marilyn Manning of Huntingtown, attends Huntingtown High School. He plans to attend the University of Maryland and to study biochemistry. Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr. says this about Manning: “An aspiring Eagle Scout and recipient of many awards, Mr. Manning devotes much of his non-classroom time to support local civic activities. Using his passion for agriculture, he participates in a variety of 4-H events that donate their proceeds to organizations like the Goldberg Breast Cancer Center of Calvert Memorial Hospital, countywide food drives, scholarship programs, and local families. His commitment to the community is exemplary and he shows a great dedication and desire to serve fellow citizens.” Manning’s ambition is to become a veterinarian, physician, or biomedical engineer.

Nathan Tyndall, son of Ransom and Amanda Tyndall of Port Republic, is a senior at Calvert High School. Tyndall participates in the National Honor Society and Foreign Language Club, and he is a founder of the Chemistry Club and plays varsity soccer. In addition to playing the trumpet in the Calvert High School Band, he enjoys playing the guitar, saxophone, and piano. According to Jennifer Andreasen, Advanced Placement Specialist at Calvert High School, “Nathan is a very mature young man with a thoughtful outlook on life. His sense of irony and his sense of humor are welcome additions to the classroom. Yet, he is also very kind. He is quick to rise to the defense of others, and he does not use his humor at the expense of others.” Tyndall plans to study chemistry at St. Mary’s College of Maryland in St. Mary’s City.

SMECO provides scholarships to local students who excel academically and who show promise in their chosen field of study. Past scholarship winners include teachers, nurses, and a medical doctor.

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