February 7, 2025

Risk Webinar for Government Contractors May 9

The Base Business Initiative out of Howard County Maryland is offering members an opportunity to discuss risk BBI_MatchUpmanagement as it applies to government contract services requirements.

The Webinar: Government Contractors -Avoiding Catastrophic Loss, will be held Thursday May 9, 2013 from 8-9 a.m.

Presenters are Andrew Beardall and Gary Silverman.

Mr. Beardall is Chief Operating Officer of GovTech, the Government Technology Insurance Company Risk Retention Group. GovTech RRG is an association-owned insurance company formed for the purpose of and dedicated to providing affordable essential liability insurance solely to government IT and supporting services provider companies at a cost savings ranging from 25% – 40%.

Gary Silverman is managing partner of the law firm of Silverman Theologou LLP, concentrating in the areas of business law, government contracts, estate planning, business succession planning, and commercial litigation. Mr. Silverman represents startup, small, mid-sized and large closely held IT and supporting service companies.

Mr. Beardall and Mr. Silverman will discuss the risk management strategies Government IT contractors need to know to avoid catastrophic loss. The Federal Acquisition Regulations (i.e. FAR) will be outlined and explained. You will learn how to be compliant with these various requirements. Common contract clauses and terms will be highlighted. Sample claim scenarios will be illustrated. The session is geared towards top management and walking them through Avoiding Catastrophic Loss by helping listeners understand: Government Contracts, Contract Insurance Requirements, Insurance Claims in the IT Services Business Sector, Insurance Protection.


Registration open to the first 50 BBI Partners | Click the following link to register: https://ezgovopps.webex.com/ezgovopps/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=660674938


To become a member (“Partner Company”) of the BASE Business Initiative and to be added to email distribution, all you need to do is register in the BBI Match-Up Database! The database can be found at: www.bbimatch-up.com

Not only is this database used to maintain membership records, but it also used by government agencies and large primes/businesses to identify BBI companies for potential contracting opportunities.

The database is also a great means to network with other BBI members. There is a full searchable list of all registered BBI members, with links to each BBI company’s website


  POINT OF CONTACT: Raj Kudchadkar 410-313-6376/[email protected]










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