Help is Available for Your Energy Bill

Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative customers who might need help with their energy bill, may be eligible to participate in payment programs offered by the state of Maryland.
Customers who qualify for the Maryland Energy Assistance Program or the Electric Universal Service Program, may receive payment assistance. EUSP participants are required to be enrolled in a monthly budget payment plan. MEAP customers have the option to participate in a special budget payment plan offered through the Utility Service Protection Program that is designed to safeguard MEAP customers from termination of service.
To find out if you qualify, apply at your local Office of Home Energy Programs or attend the Energy Assistance Fair at SMECO’s headquarters in Hughesville, MD, on July 13, 2016. Call 1-888-440-3311 for more information.
If you cannot attend the Energy Assistance Fair, or if your service has been turned off, please visit the Southern Maryland Tri-County Community Action Committee’s Office of Home Energy Programs during the hours of 9 am to 3 pm Monday through Thursday at 8371 Old Leonardtown Road in Hughesville, MD. Southern Maryland’s Office of Home Energy Programs will not accept any energy assistance applications until after July 1, 2016.
If your electricity has been turned off, you may be able to be reconnected and placed on a MEAP or EUSP budget payment plan. If you fail to make your monthly payments after being placed on a payment plan, you can be dropped from the program and your service can be turned off.
SMECO customers can help their Southern Maryland neighbors who are struggling to pay their electric bills when they contribute to Members Helping Members. Simply sign up to add $1, $5, or $10 to your electric bill each month. Click here for more information.
Donations will go to Southern Maryland Tri-County Community Action Committee, which will give the money to customer-members who seek aid and meet the qualifications.
For more information about Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, visit its Leader member page.