F-35B Testing Outmaneuvers Dogfight Critics

Morning Coffee is a robust blend of links to news around the internet concerning the Naval Air Station Patuxent River economic community. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.
Breaking Defense reports the “great job” four F-35B, performed against nine enemy aircraft in Marine testing of the F-35B. The Marines have ordered 353 of the fighter jets. In a story update, DoD’s top procurement officer expresses support for the Marine’s approach. That approach includes the successful F-35B testing toward operating capability, but nevertheless, the F-35 is quite likely the last manned aircraft, says IHS Janes 360.
Shutting Guantanamo during Obama’s administration is again bubbling. There are significant legal obstacles to bringing war prisoners onto US soil and there is legislative opposition, and reporting from the Aspen Security Forum, Defense One has questions, as well, of the White House’s plan.
“Women don’t want to admit they have different needs than men do,” said retired Army Col. Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, who with Army National Guard Col. Anne Naclerio wrote the book “Women at War,” a tome of 40 contributors, including 10 men. “They tend to suck it up and drive on,” Col. Ritchie says of the women, reports Military Times. The article presents an arresting array of the topics presented in the book, examples of failures to adequately accommodate women on the battlefield, although their numbers are increasing.
Whether it’s news, crops, or the best available parking spot, send a SEESPAN drone ahead. A former journalist, Mark A. Ryan, invented the tethered drone, operating it from a golf cart, looking for ways to cover news in the drone age. It should be on the market soon, reports Delmarva Now.
The Swedish military remains mum on whether a wrecked submarine just off the eastern coast of Sweden is Russian, a reminder of Sweden’s unsuccessful search a year ago, for a Russian submarine reportedly cited near Stockholm, Huffington Post repots. The hunt was Sweden’s largest military mobilization since the Cold War.