Where Does All the Garbage Go?

There’s a lot of debate coming up about where the “center” of Lexington Park is. Wherever the new zoning plan decides, it needs to include a trash station.
Unlike a lot of people, I have a flexible work schedule and a reliable vehicle big enough to haul furniture and am not unaccustomed to hauling my own garbage.
So here I am, new in town, standing on the stoop of The Lexington Park Leader on Great Mills Lane with a bag of recyclables in one hand and a bag of garbage itself in the other. And I just couldn’t quite visualize how to get there.
There is not a simple route from Great Mills Lane to St. Andrews Church Road where the Bay District’s trash station is located.
Perhaps because Great Mills Road is so busy, Great Mill’s Lane is very pedestrian. People come and go all day and evening long. A lot of folks in uniforms back and forth to work. Skateboarders on their way to Nicolet Park. LexLeader’s stoop is right across from a bus stop where other people without vehicles wait.
If it were me, I think I’d buy a vehicle before I paid for trash pickup. But really, if I was standing on my stoop with a small bag in each hand, and I did not have my reliable vehicle, and I did not have my flexible life, I do not know what I would do.
On May 25th, 6 to 9 p.m. at the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department St. Mary’s County is beginning a public dialogue about how to improve the appearance and economy of Lexington Park and its immediate surrounds.
It’s about a lot more than sidewalks and zoning rules.