Making Homes Smart
Sponsored by Lexington Park Business and Community Association Choose LocalAlready invested in a technical automation career at Calvert Cliff’s Nuclear Power Plant, Mickey Sullivan finally decided what he wanted to do when he grew up. His realization arrived during a visit to the “home of tomorrow” at the Epcot Center in Florida.
Today, from a storefront on Tulagi Place in the heart of Lexington Park, Mr. Sullivan’s SmartHomesPlus offers just that, the house of tomorrow today, along with the preparations to add the technology of next year.
Full-home communication can connect you room to room as well as to your home from your phone, including keeping track of your security system or floating your iTunes throughout the house.
In addition to residential systems, SmartHomesPlus also works with businesses outfitting conference rooms, providing security systems and wiring for full electronics and technology access.
The meandering showroom wends through a living room, basement recreation area with bar, a master bathroom with a mirror able to switch to audio/video input and switch back, a patio with a discrete generator to keep electricity on throughout your home, a master bedroom with automatically lowered and raised blinds and a premier home theater next to a cozy home theater able to fit in a spare bedroom.
Call SmartHomesPlus for an appointment: 301-863-3776.
21779 Tulagi Place Lexington Park, Maryland 20653