April 19, 2024

Boeing: Expect $1 Trillion in Cuts

capitol hill

Boeing CEO tells investors that $1 trillion in defense cuts could be coming over the next decade.

Obama Threatens Defense Bill Veto

White House

Meanwhile, the House adds $5.3 billion to the Pentagon’s tab.

Sequestration Fight Heats Up on Hill

capitol hill

Lawmakers tackle defense spending this week.

Morning Coffee: Pentagon releases DT&E Report

Reports examines E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, P-8A Poseidon and Fire Scout.

Morning Coffee: Nine Months Until Sequestration

capitol hill

Roughly $500 billion in automatic defense cuts are less than a year away if Congress does nothing.

Dogging on the JSF

The media environment is not kind for the F-35 this week.

V-22 Operating Costs Soar


Report states that fleet’s total costs jumped from $74B to $121B.

Drones Get Laser Rockets

Navy equips Fire Scout with BAE’s laser-guided rockets.

Morning Coffee 9-12-11

f-35 nose

What is the true cost of a single F-35?

Morning Coffee 9-9-11

Fire Scout team gears up for a new deployment.