April 25, 2024

Govt. Agencies Could Be at Risk After Suspected Russian Hack


All federal civilian executive branch agencies have been directed to search their networks for indications they were compromised after the US Commerce Department was hacked. The hackers entered US systems through updates by the software company that also provides services to the White House, the Pentagon, and NASA.

Cyber Workshop for Managers Planned


Southern Maryland Higher Education Center will present a workshop for managers focusing on cyber-attacks on corporations and critical infrastructure from 5:30 to 7:30 pm Oct. 17, 2017.

Pentagon Avoids Immediate Cuts

capitol snow

Deal would avert another government shutdown, halve sequestration cuts for the current fiscal year and fund the government through October 2015. Pentagon spending cuts scheduled for January would be avoided while Defense spending is increased by $2 billion over last year.

Super Hornet Praised, But Boeing Has No Orders

Plans are for the F-35 to replace the F-18, but as important production dates approach the Navy and industry face tough and costly decisions based on projected completion dates that still look a bit iffy.

Pax River Tricare Center to Close

Tricare healthcare center to close in the spring due to cost cutting effort. Face-to-face services will be replaced by toll-free phone and online access.

Furlough Impacts Widen, JSF Stays A Budget Winner

Despite reductions elsewhere, a month of achievements and cost savings is good news for the JSF. It’s more of a mixed bag for cyber-security.