April 23, 2024

Where’s the Competition?

Pentagon aerial

Welcome to Morning Coffee, a robust blend of links to news around the Internet concerning Naval Air Station Patuxent River, NAVAIR, the Pentagon and beyond. The Leader provides this link feature as a survey of the news and announcements affecting the local military economy. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the Leader’s owners or staff.

Photo by Michael Baird

Despite stating a goal to increase competition for defense contracts, the number of new suppliers to the Pentagon fell by 14 percent last year, according to The Washington Post.

The next batch of F-35s will cost $200 million apiece, Defense-Aerospace reports. Adm. Venlet swears the Joint Strike Fighter program will fix the jet’s problems, as long as they are allowed to do it, DoD Buzz reports. Meanwhile, BAE admits that China ripped off F-35 plans (subscription required) from its computer network, according to The Australian.

Defense News sees conflict between the House and Senate Armed Services Committees over the Pentagon’s FY2013 budget proposal.

The World Trade Organization finds that Boeing received illegal subsidies from the American government, The Hill reports.

China announces that it will formally introduce its aircraft carrier into operational service this year, Aviation Weekly reports. The Chinese might be able to disrupt American refueling using cyber attacks, according to CIO.

The Financial Times states the obvious – defense corporations are moving toward cybersecurity (subscription required).

New poll finds that 60 percent of Americans think the Afghanistan war is no longer worth fighting, The Washington Post reports.


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